Man's best friend, indeed
Laura Butterbrodt
Multimedia Journalist
Where are the other exchange students from?
Belgium (5)
Germany (4)
Latvia (4)
United States (6)- Maryland, Maine, Washington, D.C. (2), Indiana, Ohio
Has your suitcase arrived yet?
Yes, after four days it finally came! Everything is fine.
Observations from Bulgaria:
You need to buy grocery bags when you check out at the supermarket
The toilet paper is scented
Dogs and cats (and at least one horse) run wild all over the city. I have no idea if they belong to people or not but they are cute!
Bulgarians nod their head for no and shake their head for yes
Everything is so cheap here! A typical meal at a restaurant costs between 3 and 10 leva ($1.50-$6)
Everyone smokes, even inside some restaurants, so I now constantly smell like secondhand smoke
What's the food like?
All the menus have tons of options, but some Bulgarian things I have tried are:
Banitsa: a croissant-like pastry with egg and cheese in the layers
Shopska salata: A salad composed of chunks of cucumber and tomato, covered in cheese
Kashkaval Pane: HUGE blocks of literally just fried kashkaval cheese
What classes are you taking?
Media Law and Ethics
Writing for the Ear
Introduction to World Religions
Introduction to Bulgarian Language and Culture

What does your room look like?
Why did you pick Bulgaria?
Out of the list of schools within the ISEP exchange program, Bulgaria was the one with the most classes available in the journalism major. I also had a better chance of being accepted here than in a more "popular" country, and I knew I wanted to go SOMEWHERE!
Where exactly are you? (This low-quality map may or may not help)