Man's best friend, indeed
Laura Butterbrodt
Multimedia Journalist
Bulgaria Week 13 & 14
April 10-22, 2018
Friday, April 20
10:40 p.m.
Once again, I have neglected to keep up with my blog during the week! Last week I didn’t do much, so there wasn’t much to write about. Last weekend was the Long Night Against Procrastination at the library, which was sponsored by the Writing Center. Basically the library was open all night with free food. My hours were 5-8 a.m., so I was able to get quite a bit of work done through the night. It was a really great idea for an event! So now everyone who wonders if I ever do any “studying” during my study abroad, you have your answer. :) My only complaint is now my sleeping schedule is pretty messed up from staying up all night and sleeping all day.
The weather here has been so great! Last Saturday we had a BBQ outside in the yard, and I have been wearing shorts and sandals most days here. It’s almost too hot for me! I’m not used to this kind of climate.
Because I got a paper and presentation done at the library, I didn’t have much homework to do during the week. So it was pretty relaxed!
Yesterday we hosted a mock wedding for Quentin and Eliza. It was so funny! I don’t even know the exact story of how they got “engaged,” but once Ana got the idea for a party in her head, she had to go through with the event. It was so over the top! I ordered three 60cm pizzas and we had a bunch of people in the party room in the dorm. Ana even wrote a script for Kevin to read as the “priest” and we played the bridal march and everything. It was hilarious! I never imagined that I would be a part of something like that, but it was a really great time with friends.

The happy couple
Bridesmaids + Bride

Now I am in Skopje, Macedonia, with Maddie. We are staying in a RIDICULOUS Airbnb inspired by Dali and Gaudi. It was kind of complicated for us to get here. We took a cab from Blago to the border, then walked across, then got in another cab, which took us to the nearest bus station. I didn’t realize there was an hour time difference at the border, so we were way too early for our bus. But better too early than too late! Then we had another three hours on the bus before we arrived here. Both of us are really tired from all the traveling today, but so far the city is BEAUTIFUL at night! There are SO MANY gigantic statues all around the city center, where we are staying. It seems like we are really close to almost all of the main places to see, too.
Tomorrow we will get out into the city, but tonight we are just resting up.

The elevator shaft to the apartment

The scariest portrait I've ever seen

Views from the balcony

The city square at night

Tuesday, April 24
4:45 p.m.
I loved Skopje! On Saturday, we spent most of the day going around the city center and looking at the giant monuments, statues and buildings. We stopped in the Mother Theresa Memorial House, which was just steps away from our apartment, and we went to the archaeological museum. We planned to go to the holocaust museum, but it closed before we got there.

Mother Theresa Memorial House

Archaeological Museum

It was so hot!! It felt really great to be out in the sun, but it was almost too hot for walking around and I was sweating so bad. The climate in the Balkans is not something I’m used to! Even the walk from my dorm to the main building is almost impossible because I show up to class dripping sweat (you’re welcome for that cute detail).
The main tourist attractions didn’t take us too long to check out because they were all pretty close together. In the evening we walked to the city park, which was on a lake.

Macedonian Opera and Ballet

Holocaust Musuem


On Sunday we headed to Matka Canyon, which was recommended to us by everyone we met. We ended up with the best cab driver of all time, Kosta. He was an older man who was really excited to be driving two American girls. He gave us a pretty cheap rate for the ride out to the canyon, which was just outside of Skopje. He jammed to the radio with us, kept a nice conversation and even walked us down to the beginning of the trail at the canyon because traffic was so bad. He said he wanted to make sure we got back to the city, so he waited for us for almost two hours while we hiked! Then he navigated the insane traffic jam that could only happen in the Balkans- random cars parked in every direction, cars just left vacant in the middle of the road and tons of people walking between the cars trying to get out. He even cranked up some Celine Dion and we sang along. He was the sweetest!! It’s amazing to me how friendly everyone we met in Macedonia is.
Matka Canyon was my favorite ever!! It was beautiful, perfect weather and it felt great to hike. Every time I end up outside a city I realize more and more that I prefer the nature side of travel to the city sightseeing, even though I do love both. There were kayaks available to rent, but this time we just hiked.

Kosta took us back to the bus station, where we had a 5 hour ride back to Sofia. I was so happy to finally be done with that bus ride! We had a cab back to Blago, and it was really great to be back, even though I loved Skopje. I’m realizing more and more that I hardly have any time left here, which is mostly hard for me because I don’t want to say goodbye to anyone here. I get too emotional just thinking about it!! We all have big papers, exams and projects coming up, but I know we are going to have to spend lots of quality time together.
Speaking of big papers, exams and projects, I have been slacking a little bit on staying ahead of the deadlines, so I better go get back to work so I don’t leave things until the last minute.
I hope all who are reading are enjoying the beautiful weather (it looks like it’s finally spring at home!) and are getting time to enjoy time outside. I try to spend as much time out on the grass as I can, which isn’t always a lot. As always, thanks for reading! The adventure is almost over. A month from today I will be home!
Love from Bulgaria,